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Guilt is a disease. A slow                                   .
infection spread by evil                                    
deeds. It burrows it's vile                                
head underneath your                                        
exposed chest and eats                                  
away at your heart.                                      
The memory of evil festers                        
and grows into an                                             .
unsurmountable mass.                                      
You can act perfect,                                          
unblemished, but deep down,                          
guilt says you are
unforgivable, irredeemable
until, slowly, you begin to
believe it.

silent solitude
Redemption is a medicine
it seeps into your soul,
clearing the muck.
It does not rid you of guilt,
but encases it and locks it away,
allowing joy and light to burst
forth from within. You may not
be perfect
You may be blemished.
But you are forgiven.
You are redeemed.

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