
down in the deepest depths of the earth

sits a cave filled with jewels of worth

one gives life to the blazing sun

another helps the rivers run

the next allows the plants to grow

the last breathes life to all we know

fire, water, earth and air

descend beneath if you dare

for more than likely you will fail

not one has lived to tell the tale

what is this guardian force

elements four through veins do course

the protector is both fierce and brave

letting no mortal into the element cave

Life and Death

 When a person is born, two wolves are born as well. A white wolf and a black wolf. They both reside in the individuals heart.
               The black wolf is full of anger, stress, depression and disappointment.
               The white wolf if full of kindness, tranquility, hope and expectations.
               In all people the black wolf is naturally stronger. It feeds off of our environment and poisons our thoughts.
              We must be consistent in feeding the white wolf even though it is a constant struggle.

The wolf you feed is the wolf that wins.

Hospital Bed

White lights have become my stars

Sheets the rolling hills

The two bedposts are strong oaks

And the whirring AC the wind

The window is there

Yet amounts to nothing

Just a view of grey rooftops

Grey, grey, grey

I've always been good at fantasy

But sometimes reality is just there

Cold, dark and ominous

Yet warm and bright as well

I must live for the days in the sun

The birds and the wind

The starry nights 

The fresh air

The good times

Some things are too good to miss.

Moon Light Path

softened footsteps linger still

from wanderers long ago

star white lilies line the way

shivering in the wind they glow

an eerie silence fills the air

as shadows come and go

moon light path, a sacred place

peaceful, dark and cold

Caterpillar Girl

The girl was soft and gentle
Knew not how to harm
She lived inside a world
With not a single charm

Her one and only friend
Was a little leaf boy
He fed her the feeling love
He was her world and joy

The winds grew cold and mean
And leaf boy went away
Broke the poor girl’s heart
By choosing not to stay

Joy that turned to pain
Resided in her heart
She curled into a little ball
Her heart was torn apart

A woven wall built its way
Around her pained form
Casting her in stone
Safe from any storm

As she thought about her past
The pain wore into ache
Innocence to maturity
Forgiveness still to make

When the sun came up
The wall then melt away
A stronger version came to stand
And standing she would stay

In surprise she looked aback
Wings now graced her form
From them spread much joy
And mended heart past torn

A sweet flower of a man
Introduced himself to her
Loved her for who she was

Introduced her to the world


  They judged me to be judgy As I sat there in silence drinking in the intriguing chatter  They judged me to be judgy As my face does not re...