Shaking and quivering the rosebud still wet with dew poked her head from among the leaves and blinked in the sunlight. Her frail petals, pink and soft, blew in the gentle wind. As the day walked on, the sun shined brighter and stole the moisture from underneath the bud’s leaves. She began to pant in thirst and the very ends of her green gown began to curl, shrivel and wilt. A squirrel raced by and knocked her down to the ground where she lay stunned for a second before slowly pulling herself back up. The previously gentle wind grew in force and whipped about her tearing and ripping her wilting pink halo. One of her arms snapped and out leaked a single, juicy tear. Then the rain came. At first it was salvation, sweet and wet, soothing her parched throat and reviving her shriveled skirt. It washed away the tear and cleaned the wound, but it wouldn’t stop coming. She was choking now. She couldn’t breath. It ceased to soak into her feet and began to climb up around her waist until she waded in it. A deer approached her and to her horror, shiny, white teeth descended toward her head and ripped it from her waterlogged body. She couldn’t see, she couldn’t feel, she couldn’t breath. Surely this was the end. Over time, new, soft and pink petals bloomed and blushed at the sun. She looked through her new eyes at her body and gasped and shuddered in horror. Her tender, green form had grown into a sturdy, tall and knobby trunk, and in place of the fuzzy hairs that used to grace her, had grown long, menacing thorns, defensive against the onslaughts of the world. The dew of the morning, streamed down her face, in sympathetic tears. Her dress, which used to be soft and light green had become tough and dark, having grown accustomed to the harshness of the sun. The rain came again, but she had grown and now soaked all it gave into her soles. Even so, a small puddle gathered at her knees and she glanced into it, gazing at her reflection. Staring back at her was not an innocent, naive, frail, quivering, pink bud, but instead a stunning rose, bursting in lush, deep magenta petals, fierce and beautiful. The wind came, no longer grinding her in the dirt but only pushing at her side. The sun beat down and still curled the ends of her leaves but no longer pierced her heart. The rain rushed at her but she drank it all. The deer came and bit at her petals but she patiently and proudly replaced them, increasingly more beautiful than before. She did not choose to be battered, beaten, soaked, and eaten. She did choose not to batter, beat, soak or eat those around her and that was the most beautiful thing of all.

Life is fleeting

Life is brisk

Full of danger

And of risk

Life is brilliant

Life is bright

Full of wrong

And of right

Life is mine

Life is yours

Full of chance

And open doors

Held Firm

The mountains tremble,
   Yet I am held firm.
      The earth quakes,
         Yet I am held firm.

             Water growls fiercely,
                Yet I am held firm.
                   Fire lashes out,
                      Yet I am held firm.

                         Demons come to taunt.
                            They jeer, snarl and cry.

                               "Why in our strength
                                  can we not bind her?"
                                     Satan arises in rage.
                                        "You idiots!" he screams.

                                           "Find easier prey
                                              And let me deal with her.

                                                 For she is held firm
                                                     In the hand of God!"
A good book takes you to places you've never been

Never heard of 

Never felt.

Let it show you new places as you listen

To it's touch

It's voice.

I feel like a candle burning low,
My heart it melts away.
"Please don't leave me here alone!"
I weep and beg and pray.
A guiltless lamb descends on me,
His wool it feeds the flames.
I watch him burn away for me,
But from the ashes came,
A lion fierce and powerful,
Who ate up all my blame,
And carried me to paradise,
To ever praise his mighty name.
The stirring of hoofbeats 

which rattle the ground.

The ear piercing whinnies 

what a powerful sound.

Dust billows upwards

and clings to their sweat.

Sleek withers and neck

which are glistening wet.

Wild mustangs they are

as mighty can be.

As they sweep o'er the moors

proud to be free.

The Slave's Cry

The whip, a striking adder.
The fist, a raging bull.
Thorns sleep in our feet.
Grass slices our cheeks.
Sun scorches our heads.
Frost sears our toes.
Deliver us.
Now and then
A thought pricks my skin
And my blood
Starts to drip through my pen

It displays
Fragments of my soul
Tears me to pieces
Yet makes me whole

The ink will flow 
In steady streams 
Releasing my heart
Revealing my dreams

On a foggy morn
Standing swathed in grey
There a unicorn
Pearl white mane asway

Everywhere he walked
Did he leave behind
Angelic, silver hoof prints
Which shone amidst the grime

All the deer adored him
And bade him lead the way
So they walked and walked 
Through the fog of grey

Sadness pulsed in all
For his time to die was near
His blood by men desired
His tracks so crystal clear

He did not run or hide
But stood and asked man why
Ashamed they wouldn't answer
The fawns began to cry

The leader, hardened man
Was the one who shot
He felled the mystic beast
Who's silver blood ran hot

The lust of men is strong
And due to greedy ways
The unicorn is gone
Once silver tracks, now grey


  Many say they’re tired But does your skin fall from your bones? Do your eyes sink in the sockets And your mouth go dry as stone?  Some peo...